Investor Relations
Information Links
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- Subsidiaries Annual Report
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- Newspaper Publications
- Shareholding Pattern
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- For Investors Information
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- Annual Secretarial Compliance Report
- Credit Rating
- Composition of Various Committees of Board of Directors
- Merger of MTPL & MPL (WOS) with MICL
Other Disclosures
Other Disclosures under Reg. 30 of LODR
- MICL - Intimation Under Reg. 30 - Equity Investment
- Intimation under Reg 30 – Update on Merger – 11.02.2025
- Intimation Under Reg 30 - Certified true copy of Merger Order
- Monitoring Agency Report – 31.12.2024
- Intimation on Pronoucement of Order of Merger by NCLT
- Disclosure under Regulation 30 - Change of Name of RTA
- Intimation of Trading Window Closure - 31.12.2024
- MICL – Reg 30 – Allotment of Equity Shares – 20.12.2024
- Update on Institutional Investor(s)/Analyst(s) Meet – 16.12.2024
- Update on Institutional Investor(s) Meet – 02.12.2024
- Intimation of Analyst(s) Institutional Investor(s) Meeting - 13.11.2024
- Monitoring Agency Report – 30.09.2024
- Investment by MICL Global INC in HOLDING 752 & 758 NW 2 ST LLC - 05.11.2024
- Update on Analyst(s) Institutional Investor(s) Meeting - 27.09.2024
- Intimation of Trading Window Closure - 30.09.2024
- Intimation of Analyst(s) Institutional Investor(s) Meeting - 24.09.2024
- Intimation under Reg 30 – Resignation of Mr. Sudhir Kapadia as an Independent Director – 19.09.2024
- Update on Analyst(s) Institutional Investor(s) Meeting - 09.09.2024
- Intimation of Analyst(s)Institutional Investor(s) Meet_04.09.2024
- MICL_Reg 30 - Allotment of Equity Shares
- Newspaper Advertisement - Information on First Interim Dividend for F.Y. 2024-25
- Monitoring Agency Report – 30.06.2024
- Intimation of Incorporation of MICL TIGERTAIL LLC - 02.07.2024
- Intimation of Closure of Trading Window - 30.06.2024
- Update on Analyst Institutional Investor Meeting - 21.06.2024
- Intimation of Analyst/Institutional Investors Conference Meeting - 18.06.2024
- Monitoring Agency Report - 31.03.2024
- Intimation of Analyst/ Institutional Investor Meeting(s) – Q4 FY24 Earnings Conference Call – 03.05.2024
- Intimation of Retirement of Dharmesh Shah – 01.04.2024
- Update on Analyst/Institutional Investor Meeting - 27.03.2024
- Intimation of Closure of Trading Window – 31.03.2024
- Intimation under Reg 37
- Update on Analysts/Institiutional Investor – Site Vist – 22.03.2024
- Intimation under Reg 30 - Scheme of Arrangement
- Intimation of Analyst/Investors Site Visit - 19.03.2024
- MICL - Update on analysts meeting - 07.03.2024
- Update on Analyst Meeting - 06.03.2024
- Update on Analysts Meeting - 05.03.2024
- Update on Analyst(s) Institutional Investor(s) Meeting - 01.03.2024
- Intimation of Schedule of Analysts Institutional Investors Conference meeting (Roadshow) - 29.02.2024
- Intimation for Rescheduling of Investors meet - 27.02.2024
- Update on Analyst(s)Institutional Investor(s) Meeting - 27.02.2024
- Intimation of Schedule of Analysts Institutional Investors Conference meeting - 23.02.2024
- Update on Analyst(s)/ Institutional Investor(s) Meeting – 14.02.2024
- Update on Analyst(s)/ Institutional Investor(s) Meeting – 13.02.2024
- Update on Analyst(s)/ Institutional Investor(s) Meeting – 13.02.2024
- Update on Analyst(s)/ Institutional Investor(s) Meeting – 12.02.2024
- Newspaper Advertisement - Information on Fourth Interim Dividend for F.Y. 2023-24
- Incorporation of associate entity- 07.02.2024
- Intimation of Analyst/ Institutional Investor Meeting(s) – Q3 FY24 Earnings Conference Call – 30.01.2024
- Outcome of Allotment Committee Meeting dated 23.01.2024
- Intimation of Closure of Trading Window_31.12.2023
- MICL_Outcome of EGM
- Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 – Dilution of Holding in MICL Homes LLP – 07.12.2023
- Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 – 06.12.2023
- Intimation of Notice of the Extra-Ordinary General Meeting of the Members scheduled to be held on Saturday, December 23, 2023
- Outcome of Board Meeting - Fund Raising
- Intimation of Board Meeting - Fund Raising Purpose
- Newspaper Advertisement - Information on Third Interim Dividend for F.Y. 2023-24
- Intimation of Analyst/ Institutional Investor Meeting(s) – Q2 FY24 Earnings Conference Call – 01.11.2023
- Intimation under Reg 30 - Dilution of Interest in MICL Creators LLP
- Intimation under Regulation 30 - Dilution of Interest in MICL Properties LLP
- Intimation under Regulation 30 - Dilution of Interest in MICL Homes LLP
- Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 – The MICL Group has increased its ownership interest to 30% in "Atmosphere Realty Private Limited," the entity responsible for overseeing two upscale projects. These projects feature three substantial 47-storey residential towers, an 18-storey commercial tower, and another tall tower currently under construction – 17.10.2023
- Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 – Disposal of disputed service tax demand – 09.10.2023
- Analyst(s)/ Institutional Investor(s) Meeting – 28.09.2023
- Update on Analyst(s)/ Institutional Investor(s) Meeting – 21.09.2023
- Update on Analyst(s)/ Institutional Investor(s) Meeting – 14.09.2023
- Intimation of Analyst(s)Institutional Investor(s) Meeting - 13.09.2023
- Intimation of Analyst(s)Institutional Investor(s) Meeting - 07.09.2023
- "Intimation of Analysts/Institutional Investors meeting – 04.09.2023”
- Disclosure – “MICL Group one of the top developers bags Three Prestigious Awards, Cementing its Position as a Sterling Real Estate Player"
- Intimation of Analysts/Institutional Investors meeting – 25.08.2023
- Acquisition of Equity Shares of Royal Netra Constructions Private Limited - 24.08.2023
- Resignation of Mr. Kamlesh Shivji Vikamsey as the Independent Director - 11.08.2023
- Intimation of Analysts/Institutional Investors meeting – 07.08.2023
- Intimation of Record Date for determining entitlement of shareholders to receive the Second Interim Dividend for financial year 2023-24
- Newspaper Advertisement - Information on Second Interim Dividend for F.Y.2023-24
- Intimation of Analyst/ Institutional Investor Meeting(s) – Q1 FY24 Earnings Conference Call – 19.07.2023
- Intimation of Annual General Meeting and Book Closure Dates – 30.06.2023
- Update on Analyst(s)/ Institutional Investor(s) Meeting – 28.06.2023
- Intimation of Analysts/Institutional Investors Conference meeting – 23.06.2023
- Intimation of Analysts Investors Site Visit – 15.06.2023
- Intimation of Analyst(s) Meet – 13.06.2023
- Newspaper Advertisement - Information on Interim Dividend for F.Y. 2023-24
- Intimation of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings Q4-FY23 Earnings Conference Call
- Disclosure of Related Party Transactions for half year ended 31.03.2023
- Disclosure of Related Party Transactions for half year ended 30.09.2022
- Intimation under regulation 30 of SEBI LODR - Acquisition of Preference Shares of Royal Netra Constructions Private Limited through Right Issue
- Intimation under regulation 30 of SEBI LODR - Acquisition of Equity Shares of Manaj Tollway Private Limited
- Intimation under regulation 30 of SEBI LODR - Disclosure pertaining to Maitri Park CHSL
- Intimation under regulation 30 of SEBI LODR - Resignation of Managing Director
- Intimation under regulation 30 of SEBI LODR - Acquisition of Equity Shares of Man Projects Limited
- Intimation of Analysts/ Investors Meet
- Intimation of Analysts/ Investors Site Visit
- Disclosure viz. Manan Shah, MD - MICL bags Hurun India Industry Achievement Award 2022
- Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI LODR - Audio recording of Q3 FY23 Earnings Conference call
- Intimation of Analyst Institutional Investor Meeting(s) - Q3 FY23 Earnings Conference Call
- Announcement Under Reg. 30 (LODR) - Incorporation of A Joint Venture Entity ('JV Entity') In the name of Parvat Washington, LLC and execution of LLC Agreement_13.07.2022
- Announcement Under Reg. 30 (LODR) - Joint Development of Luxurious Residential Project at Tardeo, Mumbai_07.07.2022
- Intimation under Reg. 30 (LODR) -Proposed acquisition of rights in Royal Netra Constructions Private Limited_01.07.2022
- Intimation under Reg. 30 (LODR) -Incorporation of JV Entity and Execution of LLC Agreement_06.06.2022
- Intimation under Reg. 30 MICL Bayshore - LLC Agreement_03.06.2022
- Intimation under Reg. 30 (LODR) - Incorporation of JV Entity_31.05.2022
- Disclosure of RPT's for the half year ended 31.03.2022
- Intimation under Reg. 30 (LODR) - NSE Advisory Letter_16.03.2022
- Intimation under Reg. 30 (LODR)-Newspaper Publication_23.02.2022
- Changes in the designation and classification of Directors of the Company_03.01.2022
- Intimation under Reg. 30 (LODR) - Intimation on Subsidiary Entity - MICL Estates LLP_27.12.2021
- Reg 30 - Allotment of Bonus_22.11.2021
- Intimation under Reg. 30 (LODR) - Amendment in MOA_11.11.2021
- Intimation under Reg. 30 (LODR)-Newspaper Publication_12.10.2021
- Intimation Reg. 30 (LODR) - Release of Accrued Interest by Hon'ble High Court_16.09.2021
- Intimation Reg. 30 (LODR) - MICL Appointed as Developer - Juhu Sai Darshan_15.09.2021
- Intimation Reg. 30 (LODR) - MICL Appointed as Developer - Maitri Park_30.08.2021
- Intimation under Reg. 30 (LODR)-Newspaper Publication_27.08.2021
- Intimation Reg. 30 (LODR) - Launch of Real Estate Project_26.08.2021
- Intimation of Credit Rating_18.08.2021
- Intimation under Reg. 30 (LODR) - Intimation on Subsidiary Entity - MICL Builders LLP_22.06.2021
- Intimation under Reg. 30 (LODR)-Newspaper Publication_18.05.2021
- Intimation under Reg. 30 (LODR) - Alteration in MOA and AOA_25.03.2021
- Intimation of Retirement of Sivaramakrishnan Iyer_01.04.2019
- Disclosure of Analyst Meeting_28.08.2018
- Intimation of Analyst Meeting_14.09.2017
- MICL-Credit Rating Intimation_01.08.2016
- Intimation of Resignation of Director Mr. Rajiv Maliwal_24.06.2016